Conscious Family mediation timeline
  • OVERVIEW: Conscious Family divorce mediation is a full-service process that can begin at any time, whether or not you have separated or filed with a court.

  • MEDIATION CONSULT: The consultation is an opportunity for you both to learn about the mediator’s background and philosophy, to get a full understanding of how the firm operates, to get a roadmap of the legal process of divorce or legal separation, and to get your questions answered about how the legal landscape of divorce in Colorado might impact how you proceed.

  • INTENTION SESSION: You will review together our Rules of Engagement, and make commitments around how you are going to carry themselves and show up for one another, your children, and, perhaps most importantly, yourself.

  • FINANCIAL EXCHANGE: Spouses must exchange all relevant data and records needed to complete the court-required Sworn Financial Statements, disclosing financial information such as asset values (or debts), monthly gross income, and monthly expenses. A brief orientation session with your mediator helps to make plans to address any special assets and ensures nothing is missing going into your mediation session; and you will commit together to a date for exchanging all information.

  • MEDIATION SESSION(S): Your mediator helps you identify the various options, helps you analyze the issues together, and guides you to a mutually satisfactory resolution. Most families with children need 2-3 mediation sessions, but the process varies and occurs at the pace that’s right for you.

  • FORMALIZE AGREEMENTS AND COURT FILING: Based on the outcome of your mediation sessions, we prepare the necessary court forms for your review and signing. We then provide instructions on how to file the documents. Conscious Family clients usually file to open the court case only after reaching a complete agreement.

  • NON-CONTESTED HEARING: An Initial Status Conference will be scheduled about 6 weeks after filing your Petition. If you don’t file a full settlement, the status conference is the time at which the court will schedule any hearing for temporary matters and a final trial date around 4-6 months out, as well as various trial deadlines. If you file all settlement documents prior to the initial status conference, this can be converted to a “non-contested hearing” and will likely be your only required court appearance. (If you don’t have children, or if each party has a lawyer sign the settlement, you can file a motion requesting the court issue an order without you appearing at all.)

  • ISSUANCE OF FINAL COURT DECREE: Filing a Petition starts a ninety-day statutory waiting period. A court cannot issue a divorce decree until after this period has elapsed.